I live in the countryside , in a place

called Siljansnäs in Dalarna
 about 3 hours drive from

Stockholm ,where I was born.


My adress is :

Pillan Klebo
Alvik Mackbergsvägen 11
S-793 97 Siljansnäs


cellphone# +46 (0)70 940 24 82

E-mail : pillan@cairnstones.se

This is my place


Here is the wiew from my kitchen window

The dogs in my house today

Click on the photo of the dogs to get more info.



So everythings gets fair , here comes the cats in my house ,
 I don't own them , they own me

Vivvi , Mija & Kenth

I have always been a "Dog-freak", my first dog in my
 family  was a Golden Retriever her name was
 Bobbyhills Helena , called Sarah.

Bobbyhill's Helena and me at our first show ever...
the year is 1976


I did get my first OWN dog, a CAIRN..it was 
Winnie- Pouls Early Morning, called " Mollie"

During some years I also had a Flat Coated Retriever
,Donewell Toy Pillow ,"Ida" and my sister
got a new Golden who name was Ninell Marianna


Mollie lived to be  
16 years old and lived in my parents home the last years.

Mollie got two litters and I keept one female in each litter , it was

Cairnstone's Jean Geanie
" Elsa"
e. Ch Hjohoo's Special Ewing Hjoing




Cairnstone's Honky Dory
" Adha"
( 1 CAC )
e. CH Mac-Yvons Andre´ Dior

1990 was a big year for me I got the most
 clever and wonderful cairn from Hjohoo's kennel

Hjohoo's Hjo Can't Love Them All
" Maja"

" Maja " got two litters and here are some of her offsprings

SUCH Cairnstone's Pretty Thing

Cairnstone's Little Drummer Boy

Cairnstone's Lucy Can't Dance

SUCH Cairnstone's John Only Dancing